When does a week have 56 days?

When it’s Children’s Book Week.

My author/illustrator friends and I call it Children’s Book season as the celebrations and events cannot be contained in a single week, and usually spread out across term 3 and term 4. My 2016 Children’s Book ‘Week’ went from August 4th to September 26th, a solid 8 weeks of talks and workshops across WA. It’s my busiest time of year but also my favourite, as I get to travel and meet lots of hilarious kids.

Here’s some photos showing my highlights of those 8 weeks.

Thanks to the following schools, libraries, bookshops and festivals for inviting me to visit:

Dardanup PS; St Mary’s, Bunbury; BHP Billiton Family Day; St Damien’s Catholic PS, Dawesville; Marmion PS; Goollelal PS; Southern River College; Beaufort Street Books; Trinity College; South Perth & Manning Libraries; CBCA WA; Tuart Forest PS, Dalyellup; Warnbro and Mary Davies Libraries; Willetton Library; Cambridge Library; Kalamunda PS; South Lake PS; City of Perth Library; Palmyra PS; City of South Perth; Derby Library; Derby District; Holy Rosary School; Looma School; Bayulu School; Kulkarriya School; Kimberley School of the Air; Magabala Books; Aubin Grove PS; Kapinara PS; Rockingham Writers’ Centre; Dampier PS; Children of Malaysia Engage in Literature (COMEL) Festival, Kuala Lumpur; Murray Library, Pinjarra; Fellowship of Australian Writers WA & Fremantle Library.

Author: James Foley

James Foley makes children’s books for children who read books. If you’re a child and you’re eating his books, you’re doing it wrong. His books include the Secret Agent Mole graphic novel series, the S.Tinker Inc graphic novel series, Toffle Towers, and the multi-award winning Stellarphant. James lives in Perth with his wife, 2 kids, and a labrador. He is a massive Marvel movie nerd and comes from a long line of queuing enthusiasts. Follow him on FB/twitter/insta/youtube @jamesfoleybooks, or at www.jamesfoley.com.au .

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